Neurodivergent Chiropractic

Every human is important, and their brains are equally important.

Science is finally proving what many mothers already knew -

Neurodivergent children are intelligent.

Neurodivergent kids struggle adapting their nervous systems to the world around them. Our world and culture was built around neurotypical people, so when a person doesn’t fit that template, everything is a little (or a lot) more difficult. It’s similar to a native English speaker trying to communicate in a foreign language without ever being taught. The issue isn’t their intelligence, its their ability to interact with a world that wasn’t built for them.

Chiropractic care helps ease the tension in these kids’ nervous systems and helps them find more balance. We also recommend specific exercises and dietary changes to extend the impact of adjustments. These children have such beautiful, uniquely wired minds and our goal is to help them find ease so they can learn to communicate with the world in their own unique way.

“The most interesting people you’ll find are ones that don’t fit into your average cardboard box. They’ll make what they need, they’ll make their own boxes.”

-Dr. Temple Grandin