Pediatric Chiropractic
90% of brain development occurs by age 5.
70% of that is before age 1.
The stimulation the nervous system receives during these formative years, or the lack thereof, can affect us for our entire lives.
We are born with over 100 million neurons, and the connections between those neurons (called synapses) develop as we learn new things. Pediatric chiropractors encourage normal development of these synapses and remove any interferences, or subluxations, that may delay their development or hinder neurological performance.
We look at developmental milestones and primitive reflexes to gauge where the brain is and look for any red flags that we can subvert before a problem actually develops. We also assess the spine to find and clear subluxations that may be affecting their health.
Our goal is to help every child that enters our office cultivate health that endures through their lives and into the next generation.
Breastfeeding difficulties
Sleeping disturbances
Common issues that chiropractic can help with include:
Tethered Oral Tissues
Ear infections
Delayed milestones
Behavioral issues
One of the biggest challenges parents face in raising children is how to feed them. In addition to sifting through the conflicting information published about nutrition every day, parents must also deal with strong opinions from well-meaning friends and family.